Hob Nobbing with the Lady Mystery Writers

Sue, Dad and Roberta, circa 2010

Sue, Dad and Roberta, circa 2010

Friends, something a little different today!

I am guest blogger on one of my sister’s sites, called Jungle Red Writers.  They bill themselves as “7 smart and sassy crime fiction writers dish on writing and life. It’s The View. With bodies!”

Check them out at http://www.jungleredwriters.com/


Bobbie (aka Roberta Isleib) (aka Lucy Burdette) and I, have been writing together since we were toddlers.  It took a while to figure out what we wanted to say, but we know, now!

So I invite you come on over and ask me questions, or peruse the offerings of these writers, and find yourself a new mystery!  Let’s cross pollinate genres!

I hope I’ll see some you dear friends at Wakulla Springs on Saturday at 12:30 where I’ll be keynote speaker, or next Friday night in Apalachicola (see my events page for details), for nothing but GREAT FOOD, MUSIC and FUN!

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